

Open Space | The Micka Residence, Robin Gay McCline, AIA (1962)

Robin Gay McCline, a Fresno native, possessed a multifaceted identity as an artist, architect, and local educator. He completed his architectural education at UC Berkeley and established the architectural firm Oaks and McCline in partnership with his colleague James Oakes. During their 12 years of collaboration, they contributed significantly to the region, overseeing the design and construction of no fewer than 60 residential properties and numerous commercial buildings.

When Fresno typically comes to mind, it's often associated with agriculture and scorching weather rather than a thriving modernist community. Nonetheless, individuals like Mike and Jess are trying to transform that perception. They drew inspiration from the modernist aesthetics of Palm Springs and successfully transplanted that essence into their home with their furniture and decor. The residence's Courtyard and yard have been thoughtfully curated with artworks by the local ceramist Stan Bitters, seamlessly complementing the overall landscaping and aesthetics of the home.

Mike and Jess's journey led them to acquire the house they had both dreamt of for years. The home has remained remarkably unchanged and authentically reflects its period, featuring well-preserved Terrazzo floors, original showers, countertops, walls of glass, and paneling. Virtually no modifications or updates have been made to the property, making it a prime example of an unaltered modernist home in Fresno and possibly one of the best-preserved in the area.

Elias Tebache